Presenting tools to black entrepreneurs with promise will contribute to producing the next Reginald F. Lewis

“Too often in our society, we try to pigeonhole people. Unconsciously, we typecast them. So when we say, ‘He’s a black businessman,’ to many people, but not all, that’s a label that’s meant to confine, to constrain.” Reginald F. Lewis

HCI provides critical tools to promising black entrepreneurs

Business Plan

Go-To-Market Strategy

Competitive Analysis


Risk Analysis

Investor Pitch Deck

1. Bring an untapped, unfamiliar and often unrecognized source of entrepreneurial talent to the visibility of the startup capital markets.

2. In addition to sourcing established talent from within corporations and emerging talent from historically black colleges and universities, we go to where entrepreneurs are with targeted “on-location” forums to bring potential investors face-to-face with black entrepreneurs in their environment (e.g., New York, New Orleans, Atlanta, Nashville, Chicago, Oakland) or via virtual conferences.

3. We offer expert consulting to drive content for successful pitches as well as technical assistance needed to create business plans, etc.

4. We offer coaching to entrepreneurs to increase their VC acumen as they prepare for pitches – often times black entrepreneurs will have a compelling concept and unique and attractive product or solution, but they may not have the “vernacular” or “elevator pitch” to succinctly describe their idea or product and get the investor interested enough to ask follow-up questions.

5. We source and filter out entrepreneurs to ensure that they have the potential to “scale” and “sustain” relevant market presence and will be able to articulate to investors key elements: category size and growth rate, trends, attractiveness of product or solution, etc.

6. We present entrepreneurs to investors who have innovative ideas/concepts inclusive of penetration strategy and scalability model.

7. We support entrepreneurs who can confidently articulate that their business model includes not just initial innovation, but also the sustainability and operational capacity that will yield long term profitability and viability.

“Fate is the raw materials of experience. They come uninvited and often unanticipated. Destiny is what a man does with these raw materials.” Howard Thurman

@ Copyright HCI Enterprise LLC